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App Review: Learning Verbs by Language Concept

I feel very fortunate that the developer of Language Concepts offered me the opportunity to try out, review, and give away her app, Learning Verbs!  I will review for you the various functions of the app and provide my opinion about the app.  Although the developer provided the app and the copy to giveaway, the opinions in this blog are all mine.

This app automatically comes with 22 pictures of actions.  I LOVE that it also allows you to add your own pictures.  This is a wonderful tool if you are working with children that need to see themselves performing the actions as well as just the expansion possibilities!

This app is VERY user friendly too!  At any time you are able to return to the settings to make changes.  You can turn the voice on or off (and the voice is a human voice too not a computerized one!), turn the feedback off/on, and turn the text on/off (in case you do not want to offer the additional visual cue of text). I quickly learned if you turn off all three, you can get many trials before having to change the page.  I love getting more bang for my buck!

Another wonderful feature on this app is that you are given the option of a field of one, two, three, or four.  The field of one is wonderful for first teaching the verbs and for practice having students label the verb.  The increased field levels provide higher complexity drills for receptive language identification.  

I am ALWAYS looking for a deal and this is a steal!  This app costs $2.99.  With this app, I can add additional pictures and be able to use my Ipad as an easy to transport endless set of cards.  Instead of putting them out on the table, I can choose the field of complexity and not waste time sorting through pictured cards.  That is so useful!

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