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Bringing Technology into the Speech Room: Tips & Tools

I do not know about you but in our school district, there is a push to incorporate technology into all areas of the school and curriculum.  I am not the most tech savvy but I make do with my trusty tablet! These tips and tricks of technology has made my job a million times easier!

1.  FINDING FREE APPS or at least SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED PRICES- There are many different App finders that will tell you about Apps that are currently free or reduced price.  When I first got my tablet a few years back, I tried practically all of them.  Problem was that so many of them were really NOT GOOD.  Then, I was stuck with some bad apps that I thought would do amazing things but … they definitely were not what I hoped.  The apps that I use are mentioned in Speech Time Fun’s guest blogger post. 

2.  MATERIALS STORED ON TABLET-  Have you heard of the Moka Notes, Cabinet, or Good Notes? These apps all allow you to store No Print resources or PDF files in little notebooks that you can pull up at any time. I have even used the old calendar that my daughter received from Highlights Magazine and scanned it to create an adobe acrobat file.  I was then able to store it in one of these notebook apps and I could then write and highlight on the pages.  My kids loved using it to work on their speech and language skills! I also use them to download the PowerPoint notes I get prior to attending staff development training.  These apps allow me to highlight, write additional notes, and then email the new files to myself which saves paper… and saves trees!

3.  I-TUNES MUSIC- While I was going from school to school, I noted that I was killing my back bringing along books, materials, CD player, and a pile of CDs so big I could play Jenga with them!  Finally, inspirations struck when I was making myself a play list for travel!  How about downloading my work music to I-Tunes so I can utilize it in therapy with just the tool of my tablet! It was magic! 

Hope these tips help you to incorporate technology into your speech room and more importantly save your back as she schlep materials around!  How do you use technology in your speech room? 
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