Are you ready for Summer? Will you be providing services via extended school year, year round schools, or private therapy? Truthfully, I am not yet sure if I will be providing services or take a long summer break. This last quarter for school has been exhausting between homeschooling my child and providing services. Check out my go-to resources in the past for summer sessions.
My SUMMER ARTICULATION MYSTERY PICTURES and my SUMMER ARTICULATION MAZES both target articulation and help students with their fine motor skills (pencil grip, manipulation, writing pressure, etc..)
My NO PRINT FLUENCY TASKS: SUMMER resource targets goals for identifying facts vs. myths about stuttering, identifying bumpy vs. smooth speech, identify/explain/demonstrate different disfluent speech patterns and fluency shaping techniques and stuttering modification techniques, using techniques and strategies at all levels (word, phrase, sentence, spontaneous speech), and response to social situations. I use the sentence and spontaneous speech level tasks with my students working on language and articulation carryover too!
LANGUAGE BUILDER: SUMMER is a comprehensive packet covering so many different language needs! My language builder packs target basic vocabulary building, answering and asking questions, using inference skills, recalling sentences and details, describing, sentence building, and narrative building skills with barrier games!
NO PRINT LANGUAGE TASKS: SUMMER uses colorful graphics and real pictures to target receptive identification in a field of three, answering yes/no and wh-questions, describing, inference, compare/contrast, and narrative building skills.
NO PRINT PHONOLOGY TASKS: SUMMER is a comprehensive no print resource that covers a variety of phonological processing errors using auditory bombardment list, auditory discrimination with minimal pairs, rhyming task, wh-questions, and creating a winter scene! This resource covers the following phonological processing error patterns: Voicing, Final Consonant Deletion, Fronting, Initial Consonant Deletion, Backing, Stopping, Denasalization, Consonant Cluster Reduction and Gliding.
FIND ARTICULATION and FOLLOW DIRECTIONS: SUMMER is perfect for working with students with articulation, language, and fluency goals. This resource has hidden articulation words scattered around the picture that students look for using a magnifying glass. It also has 2-step temporal following directions, and lists of wh-questions for each picture scene. Other suggestions on how you can use the pictured scenes to cover other goals are included.
OPEN-ENDED GAMES GALORE! I love using open-ended games to pull mixed groups together. It also helps keep some students motivated. I consider that a WIN-WIN! I have several great summer themed open-ended games packs, such as SUMMER, TRAVEL, CAMP COMMUNICATE, and my S’MORE FUN FREEBIE.
SPEECH and LANGUAGE BEACH BALLS: These fun crafts make practice enjoyable at home to practice their speech and language skills. I have flowers to target articulation, apraxia, phonology, and language. My kids have always loved making these.
Are you planning to have a Social Communication Club? If so, you may want to check out my SUMMER CONVERSATIONAL EXCHANGE resource to help students plan and track conversations.
You can see some of my favorite books to use during this season for literacy-based therapy too on my lesson plan. You can grab a copy of my Summer Lesson Plans by completing the information below!