Are you already back in school? Are you figuring out your caseload and throwing sticky notes around in an effort to create a therapy schedule? If so, I will be joining you soon. I go back to work next week. I am very excited about my new caseload and returning to work. How do you prepare? Here are my simple steps to start the year off as a success!
Schedule Out IEP’s & Evaluations
Set Up Individual Data Sheets
Prepare Extra File Folders
This is the easiest of them all to do! I simply print! However, I do make up several different file folders. I make one for RTI documentation, Evaluation documentation, and for Contact Logs.
Treat Myself!
At this point, I look at my documentation files and smile. Yes, I smile. Sometimes, I have even given myself a little pat on the back for a job well done. However, I ALWAYS treat myself once all of this is completed. My personal favorite options for treating myself typically include a caffeinated treat from a coffee shop and a trip to either a book store or a bath and body shop. I love caffeine, essential oils, books, and spa bath supplies. Let’s be honest, we deserve it after all this. So hopefully you will treat yourself too!
If you would like a free copy of the forms that I created so you do not need to recreate the wheel by making you own, complete the form below and I will send them to you.