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Autumn Lesson Plans for Speech-Language Therapy

I have a confession to make.  I plan by seasons and holidays.  It makes it so much easier for me to plan this way since I can cover just about any target goal using the resources in my lesson plans. Check out what I use for therapy this season.


No Prep Speech & Language: Autumn

NO PREP SPEECH & LANGUAGE: AUTUMN is a definite GO TO resource for me!  I am big on the No Prep idea.  It makes planning so much easier.  Just print the pages I need and go!  I can also open up the PDF on my tablet or computer so that I do not even have to print it out if I do not want to.  I use this resource to address articulation, language, and fluency goals.

FIND ARTICULATION and FOLLOW DIRECTIONS: AUTUMN has become a big hit with my kids! It is perfect for working with students with articulation, language, and fluency goals. This resource has hidden articulation words scattered around the picture that students look for using a magnifying glass. It also has 2-step temporal following directions, and lists of wh-questions for each picture scene.  Other suggestions on how you can use the pictured scenes to cover other goals is included. I have even used it with my teletherapy caseload. I just make sure to make the picture a little bit bigger so they can see the hidden words without the use of a magnifying glass.


ARTiculation Quilts: Autumn

If you are looking for an articulation project that not only addresses student’ goals but you can also post to make a beautiful bulletin board?  If so, you should check out my ARTICULATION QUILTS: AUTUMN.

Another resource that many students enjoy is the MYSTERY ARTICULATION PICTURES: AUTUMN.  My students have enjoyed trying to figure out what the end picture will be.



I use my LANGUAGE BUILDER: AUTUMN every year! My kids enjoy it and it covers so many different language needs! My language builder packs target basic vocabulary building, answering and asking questions, using inference skills, recalling sentences and details, describing, sentence building, and narrative building skills with barrier games!

Since I am use to being an interim SLP and a teletherapist, I like to have no prints available.  It truly saves my back from hauling things everywhere plus it makes therapy planning simple as can be! A new favorite is my NO PRINT LANGUAGE TASKS: AUTUMN.  It uses colorful graphics and real pictures to target receptive identification in a field of three, answering yes/no and wh-questions, describing, inference, compare/contrast, and narrative building skills.


No Print Phonology Tasks: No Print

This past year, I created a NO PRINT PHONOLOGY TASKS: AUTUMN resource and my students love it!  I love it more since it covers a variety of phonological processing errors using auditory bombardment list, auditory discrimination with minimal pairs, rhyming task, wh-questions, and creating an autumn scene! This resource covers the following phonological processing error patterns:
Prevocalic Voicing, Prevocalic Devoicing, Final Consonant Deletion, Fronting, Backing, Stopping of Fricatives, Deaffrication, Consonant Cluster Reduction, and Gliding.


No Print Fluency (Stuttering) Tasks: Autumn

I’m about to drop a truth bomb!  I have used my NO PRINT FLUENCY TASKS: AUTUMN resource not only with my students who stutter but also with some of my students who receive services for language skills.  This no print resource targets goals for identifying facts vs. myths about stuttering, identifying bumpy vs. smooth speech, identify/explain/demonstrate different disfluent speech patterns and fluency shaping techniques and stuttering modification techniques, using techniques and strategies at all levels (word, phrase, sentence, spontaneous speech), and response to social situations.  I use the sentence and spontaneous speech level tasks with my students working on language.

I have created a copy of my Autumn Therapy Planning page to share with you along with some templates in case you want to plan by season and holiday too! You can see some of the books that I plan to use this season for literacy-based therapy too on my lesson plan. You can grab a copy by completing the information below!  I hope it helps you plan our your lessons by season and saves you as much time as it saves me


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