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10 St. Patrick’s Day Freebies for Speech Therapy


Are you ready to celebrate St. Patrick’s day in speech therapy?!  I am!  I feel that using holiday-themed resources breaks up my lesson plans and brings a bit of excitement to the lessons. Check out these ten themed freebies for St. Patrick’s day!

  1. St. Patrick’s Day Language Pack by Speech Therapy Plans – This freebie includes a reinforcer activity, basic sentence match up, and following multiple-step directions!
  2. St. Patrick’s Day Positional Words Book by My Special Learners– This is a cute interactive hands-on book targeting positional phrases using St. Patrick’s day icons and vocabulary.
  3. St. Patrick’s Day Pronouns by Speech is Sweet – This packet targets basic He/She/They with St. Patrick’s day characters!
  4. St. Patrick’s Day Multiple Meanings Game by Speech Ace- This is a cute game targeting multiple words.  It can be played as the game is intended or used as flashcards.
  5. St. Patrick’s Day Barrier Game by GoldCountrySLP -I love barrier games!  So many language concepts can be covered while using barrier games!
  6. Roll & Cover Articulation and Language Reinforcers by Mindy Stenger –This freebie provides six different reinforcer pages!
  7. Articulation Word Search Puzzles by slp701 – These puzzles target /r, s, l/ using St. Patrick’s day vocabulary.
  8. St. Patrick’s Day Pudding Recipe by Word to the Wise – Using recipes in speech therapy can be so much fun and very functional!  You can easily target articulation, language, and fluency with recipes! Plus you get a yummy treat when done!
  9. St. Patrick’s Day Conversation and Writing Prompts by Allison Fors – This free pack has both a printed and no print option!
  10.  St. Patrick’s Day Open-Ended Activities by Speech Sanity – This pack has several open-ended games to help pull mixed groups together!

Looking for more ideas?  Check out these blog posts!

Fab Five Freebies St. Patrick’s Day by The Digital SLP – YAY!  More freebies!

Fun St Patrick’s Day Activities by Home Speech Home – Check out all these fun and functional ideas!

20 Paid and Free Therapy Resources for St. Patrick’s day by Dean Trout’s Little Shop of SLP – Love all these ideas!

Want more great tips, tricks, and ideas for successful speech therapy?  Subscribe to our , or visit us on InstagramPinterest, or Facebook.


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