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I Look Forward to Getting To Know You- An Introduction

 Hi! I thought I would introduce myself to you. My name is Tamatha.  However, if you were to ever call me that, I would never know you were talking to me!  My family has always called me Tami (except for my mother when I am in trouble and then she pulls out the WHOLE name). I love creating materials to use with my students and that I have also used with my own kiddo (she has been helping me put things together and my official tester of materials since she was 2 years old).  I am married to a wonderful man and we have a cat, dog, and a kiddo. I am the mother of an amazing, funny, sweet, smart, feisty miracle who was born at 26 weeks. She is five now going on twenty-five.

I feel that I offer a lot of experience serving and meeting a variety of individual’s needs.  I have had the great opportunity to work with people in all stages of life from Early Intervention to Geriatric.  I graduated with my M.S. in Communicative Sciences and Disorders in 2007 and returned to the schools and working with children.  Prior to my stint in grad school, I had many incarnations working with a individuals covering a vast span of ages and a variety of needs. I started as a Preschool teacher for a private school and ended that career life as the Preschool Director. Next, I became a self-contained Special Education teacher serving students within a Behaviorally-Emotionally Disabled classroom setting (2-5th). Then I went to get a second teaching credential and served as a self-contained Special Education teacher within a Cognitive Impairments classroom setting (6-8th).  Left the schools to pursue other opportunities and became a SLP assistant for several years serving school age to geriatric before deciding to return to school and become an SLP.  The materials I create are fun, engaging, and functional!

I’m doing it!  Part of the reason I love my job so much is that I have so much variety in my day, setting, and clients!  If I wasn’t an SLP, then I guess my runner up dream jobs would be as a photojournalist for a travel magazine (just so I could travel the world) or an archeologist!

I love stretching my creative legs!  Making materials keeps me fresh and fun in therapy and it brings a zen-like feeling while I am actually being creative.  I also love traveling!  I do not get to do as much of that as I would like.  However, to be fair, I do not think there is ever ENOUGH travel time! I also love getting together with my friends.  I prefer getting together over coffee in the park (I live off of coffee and I love nature; therefore, it is the best of both worlds put together).

I was born with laryngeal webbing and tracheal hypoplasia.  Back in the day, they didn’t let my mom see me in the hospital until I was already two weeks old. Every day, they would tell my mom how they did not expect me to survive.  However, many hospital visits and surgeries later, I’m still here and now have a beautiful family of my own.

What else would you like to know?  If there is anything in particular you would like to know, drop me a comment with your question.

I would love to get to know you too!  What are three of your favorite things?


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